Thursday, August 8, 2013


Y'all. My Life. 

I woke up giving myself about 20 minutes to finish packing and fit all of my belongings in my carry on, unfortunately everything wouldn't fit, so I resorted to the next best thing. A large Ziploc bag. 

Everyone meet "Ripped Zip". 

This little guy had a handy little handle, so I could easily carry him through the airport. He was a little worn from his first trip to Indianapolis (hence the name), so I knew he wouldn't hold up for long, but I figured he would at least get me to my first chapter visit.......Ha. 

So here we are, ready to go. 

Im a little nervous, not to go to my visit but because of my LUGGAGE. 

So first, I walk on up to the counter, stumbling over my bags, put my luggage up on the scale and what do I see a blinking "OVERWEIGHT BAG" light. Sweet. Luckily my bag was only 50.5 pounds and the man let me through.  I'm like WOOHOO let's do this, the hard part is over. 


We then walk into the security area and some random TSA man starts ssssshing us? I instantly become frazzled because last time I checked you can speak in an airport. I'm just kind of like whatever and carry on. As I wheel on into the security line I hear a bit of plastic starting to split... YOU BETCHA, the handles don't rip, but the BOTTOM of Ripped Zip starts to get a little hole and a few of my things started to fall out. Conveniently I had a laundry bag (don't even know who it belongs to) that I was able to put Ripped Zip in. Easy, no drama, but now here I am as Santa trying to get through security. At this point I am starting to sweat and just want to get through to make it to the gate. 

I approach the conveyor belt with an attitude of "dude you better let my stuff through" ... I had to take Ripped Zip out of this laundry bag momentarily to put my liquids in their own bin.

Sent my stuff through the conveyor belt, my luggage makes it through, but for some reason my person didn't....I got the pat down. My hair, my chest, my back, my butt, etc. Lovely. I won't be having to go get a breast exam this month. 

After I make it through I try to hurry and get out of the way. I quickly gather my stuff and place Ripped Zip on my carry on to be wheeled away. Right as I do so the ENTIRE bottom of Ripped Zip SPLITS, my stuff SCATTERS and the crowd all in unison goes "OOOOOHHHH".... My nail polish included in this SHATTERS. (Of course, I brought my favorite ones, so that's depressing because they are all now in the trash). The only one that survived is a hideous burnt orange color..why I even packed that...nobody knows. 

Red nail polish everywhere, looks like a crime scene. Here's a little evidence...

Oh and DON'T worry, another consultant was standing back to capture this lovely memory.

Needless to say, I am now the owner of this lovely Vera Bradley tote, thanks girl you saved me. 

You are welcome for your entertainment people of the Indianapolis airport....Mom you will be getting a THIRD box of stuff home shortly. 

Peace, Love & "That Girl"

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