Sunday, February 9, 2014

use your words, but actually... don't

I made it to my 9th capital on the road ladies and gentlemen!! 
My flight was out of Denver so my ride to the airport and I made a quick pit stop parking an illegal bus lane just for me to snap this picture in front of this little doozy that was having a minor facelift.
 Although I LOVED the capital I had an ANNNNNOYYYYING airport experience... honestly was probably more annoyed than the day of the ripped zip . 
I walked into the security line and started to pull out my ID (thinking this was the security line) when this rude dude in a blue polo (TSA sir)  demanded that I "give him my hands"... if you know "my look"... which I don't know that it's something you want to know... but you can imagine.. I gave this man "my look" and was like excuse me? And he was like "give me your hands" so I flop my hands out like okay dude what do you want? and the man proceeds to start to swab this bandaid looking piece of fabric and begins to rub it all over my freshly washed hands. As I continued to stare like what.. are... you... doing he proceeds to tell me that he was checking for chemicals. I get that this is what the man had to do but he was RUDE and after patiently waiting for a person in the check in line to check my ID after 15 minutes of trouble with the kiosk I was NOT having it. All the man had to do was USE HIS WORDS to explain why and what he wanted from my hands.
Following this I go through security where I don't have to take my laptop out of my bag, or my shoes off, or my belt off...but I get SCOLDED for doing these things instead? I have been through what like 30 or more airport security lines and I do it EVERYTIME???  Instead of blue man number two using his words he gets on to me. So me feeling like the 4 year old Abbey getting scolded by my parents for bouncing balls through Target wanted to freakin' run away. SO DRAMATIC but like WHAT?? 

ALL WAS GOOD though after my MILE (annoyed again & seriously not over exaggerating about the mile) walk to Gate B77 (which doesn't exist and made me even more frazzled) WHEN I FOUND MY CARMEL APPLES!!!!
Guilty Obsession: $9 chocolote/carmel covered apples.
No. Shame.
 Then I got to check "flying like the first lady" off my list upon walking up... PROPELLLLLLAAAA PLANEEEEEE!

 My cool experience on this short plane was short lived when my Flight Buddy was a Canadian Woman (nothing against Canadians) that used TOO many words AKA asked me too many questions.
1. Why did you order a Diet Coke AND a Water?
2. Why are you going to Kansas City?
3. WHAT! Texas? How did you end up here?
4. What is it like having red hair? (no lie, umm??)
The best one yet..........
After 23 years of living I have NEVER been asked this by a stranger.

2/3 of that was me being drama, but next airport headphones are going in, hood will be up and sunglasses will be on. 

Peace, Love & DRAMA QUEEN

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