Monday, February 10, 2014

15 essentials you could find if you opened up my purse...

So part of my annoyance with the airport the other day was my unreasonable heavy purse that I was toting through the airport. When I arrived to my destination I added "clean out purse" at the top of my to-do list. Here are some of my traveling ESSENTIALS that I could not take out:

1. My C-Wonder Charging Power Case - I never have to worry about not being able to contact my ride at the airport or sacrificing some bubble shooter time thanks to this brilliant purchase. I keep it fully charged and in my purse JUST IN CASE my phone juice runs low.
2. Beauty Products - Kleenex, Lip Color & Gloss, Chapstick and an Eyelash Curler -- all essentials just in case I need to do some touch ups. Never know who I might meet at an airport on on a college campus.  LOOKING TO BE HIRED & I'M SINGLE ;) 
3. Do Not Disturb Mask - "Do I Look Relaxed" it says.. AKA, BYE people. Gotta have this bad boy to block out bright lights that I sometimes come across in some of my sleeping arrangements AND sometimes people...
4. Gloves, Hat & Socks - No time to shiver and be cold. I come prepared with necessary objects to stay warm.
5. Ear Buds - Never hurts to have a pair of these on lock whether I am occupied with music/a phone call OR wanna play it off like I am.
6. Meds - Emergen-C & Dayquil should sponsor me on my travels. Constant changing air and water doesn't do the immune system well. No fear with good meds near.
7. Rainbow Loom - I've gotta have a trendy bracelet packed just in case I need to calm a child in passing/it was given to me by one of my favorite cousins ;) so gotta represent. 
8. SNACKS - Hungry Abbey is NOT a fun Abbey. Period.
9. Boarding Passes - If I had $$ for each of my boarding passes I would invest them and retire right now at age 23.
10. Lint Roller - I love my furry brother Kix and all, but geez his hair does not go away, can't be looking like I roll in dog hair every day.
11. Q&A Book - This is one of the BEST purchases I have ever made from Anthropologie. It's a little journal with questions everyday. This is my second year writing in it and I love looking back and seeing what I wrote the year before and how things have changed or remained constant. 
12. Buizzz Cards - Makes me feel MATURE & LEGIT. Nuff' Said.
13. Breath Mints, Gum & Strips - No time for no Smellllly Breath for me OR anyone else. Gotta have double the products just in case I need extra to offer to a stranger. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
14. Post Cards - Always travel with SOMETHING to keep yourself busy. For me, its post cards that I whip out and send when I am signaling to those around me that I am occupied.
15. Car Plug In Charger - This is the most NECESSARY thing in my purse. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to use it. I always carry my phone charger with me, so having this bad boy works out perfectly since my normal cord is the only other thing I need. 

Not that you cared, but theres the INSIDE scoop on why I will be scheduling a massage upon my arrival home in May.

Peace, Love & Shoutout to Longchamp for breaking & having my back.

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