Thursday, December 5, 2013

Throw-Away Thursday

I had been warned that there were "a few hippies" in Seattle, but no one told the truth about the  PASSION people have about reducing the amount of Landfills by adding a THIRD element to disposing goods, known as COMPOSTING. 

My first night here I had a "late plate" waiting for me in the fridge to be heated up and consumed. Not knowing about the ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY atmosphere I was now submerged (SAT word) in, I grabbed myself a plastic fork AND knife to use, which were QUICKLY intercepted by a chapter member who handed me a real (by real I mean metal) fork and knife... little did I know that we don't waste paper and plastic products up here in the Northwest. We reduce. We reuse and WE COMPOST.

As I have taken two walks around campus I noticed the trash cans (below) have two additional added on "waste baskets", one for compost and another for recycling. I was taught how to recycle growing up, but composting...I learned about it in fourth grade science, but actually practicing how is NEWS TO ME (is that the saying?)!

Today I will educate you about the QUICK lesson I have learned about trashing my scraps here at the University of Washington. 

Located by all of the trash/recycle/compost bins in the Zeta House there are signs that WARN you about where your trash is going. I was am so nervous that I will mess up the compost that I don't throw ANYTHING away without permission. 
Trash... is going to a landfill.
Compost is going to...? I don't even know where it goes...underground? 
SOOOOO with this being said, I have made a little GAME for y'all:

Below is some waste that I have either consumed or seen laying around...
Trashed? Recycled? or Composted? 
(answers at the bottom)
1. A Banana
2. A Jimmy John's Sandwich Wrapper
3. A Plastic Cup
4. A Nature Valley Wrapper
5. A Slice of Pizza
6. A Plastic Spoon
7. This Safeway Bag
8. This Coffee Cup
9. Fruits & Vegetables (look mom, healthy eating)
10. Paper Towels

If you are having fun you can continue this game via this fourth grade online science website.

Peace, Love & Happy Trashing

1. Compost 2. Trash 3. Recycle 4. Trash 5. Compost
6. Recycle 7. Compost 8. Trash 9. Compost 10. Compost
(Don't hold me to these answers...)

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