Wednesday, August 7, 2013


For those of you that know me you might know that living in a hotel or anywhere where I have to keep my clothes organized in some sort of luggage just doesn't work well, for those of you that didn't know that...welcome to my life on the road. 

No matter how many times I try to get organized, my stuff ALWAYS tends to explode... Since I will be living out of a suitcase for the next ten months I thought I would attempt to pack in a way that I could stay organized. I bought space bags to use as makeshift "drawers" to sort my shirts from my dresses from my skirts from my pants, etc... Lets just say this lasted a whole 30 minutes once I got unpacked. Taking stuff in and out of bags was a pain, so today as I re-pack my belongings after being settled in Indiana for the past 2.5 weeks, I am back to my normal "roll-fold" method... 

Day One

 End of Day One

^ mature. 

I did get this little Grid-It though to organize my cords in my purse. 

Meanwhile, (good transition word...shout out to my fifth grade teacher Mrs.Greco) A wave of TLCs left today to start their journey on the road. I have one more night here in Indiana and then I am off!! 

I'll let ya know where I am headed ToMoRrOw. WOO! 

Peace, Love & Wasting Time So I Don't Have To Pack

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